Un Ennemi du Peuple | Théâtre Océan Nord
Practical information
From 14 March 2023 to 25 March 2023
Théâtre Océan Nord
rue Vandeweyer 63/65
1030 Bruxelles
from 3€
ReservationIn some words...
Thomas Stockmann, a doctor at the spa in a small town run by his brother Peter, discovers that the water in the baths is polluted by the waste from local industries. He becomes a whistleblower and soon a martyr for the climate cause: with the prospect of costly work, a long period of closure and disastrous publicity for the town, the "compact majority" rallies to his brother's side and Thomas finds himself alone against all. In love with his truth to the point of absurdity, his frighteningly ambiguous trajectory will lead him, in trousers with holes and a cap, like a comedy buffoon, to another great discovery: the strongest man in the world is the loneliest.
Adaptation et dramaturgie Jean-Marie Piemme – Mise en scène Thibaut Wenger – Avec Sarah Ber, Pedro Cabanas, Marcel Delval, René-Claude Emery, Michel Lavoie, Nicolas Luçon, Emilie Maréchal, Denis Mpunga, Joséphine de Weck – Scénographie Arnaud Verley assisté de Clara Dumont – Costumes Claire Schirck – Lumières et direction technique Matthieu Ferry – Sons Geoffrey Sorgius – Musique Grégoire Letouvet – Assistanat Laura Ughetto – Régie plateau Oliver Rappo – Administration Patrice Bonnafoux, Juan Diaz.